Welcome to Sarah's annoying text effects for Livejournal. Pick some effects from the list below, and then type in the left hand box.
What you see in the right hand box you should copy and paste into your Livejournal post.

(Try using the output from this for the input to LJScroll for the input!)

Random capitals
Larger text
Centered Rainbow text
Reverse Text - © David Faden, who kindly let me use his script. http://www.revfad.com/flip.html
Normal size Random size Wavy size Growing size Shrinking size

Click and type hereCopy and paste this into your post (Click in this box, Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C)

Post length with effects = 0 characters.

Click image to add! (Goes at end of document- can cut and past to correct place. Delete all special code manually to remove junk!)